When you’re looking for a pet clinic near Lynnwood, you want nothing but the best for you furry friend. That means quality services, but also compassion and friendliness in the people who will be caring for your companion. Having access to the veterinary care your pet needs throughout their lifetime helps ensure that your four legged friend will live a long, happy life by your side.

Your pet’s care can come in many forms over the years. When they’re a puppy or a kitten, you’re likely focused on getting them all their vaccinations and having them spayed or neutered. They need their microchips, too. In those following years, they need their wellness exams and a few tests to make sure nothing out of the ordinary crops up. A few dental cleanings and they’re ready to take on the world by your side. This kind of preventive care makes their golden years less difficult for both owner and pet. Senior pet care doesn’t have to be scary, it’s just a time when the veterinarian is a little bit more vigilant in watching out for those possible illnesses and conditions that could arise. A facility with all these services that was close to home would be icing on the cake. In addition to the convenience of a pet clinic near you, having friendly and compassionate service from the veterinarian and staff would be invaluable.
Everett Veterinary Hospital is a pet clinic near Lynnwood that has been providing veterinary services for over sixty years. The care team here will treat you like family and your pets like their own.
Pet Clinic Near Lynwood
We know that your dog or cat will receive exemplary care in every way here. Everett Veterinary Hospital is a safe and welcoming place for pets and owners alike. Boarding services and nutritional counseling are also options available for your pet. You fur baby will receive specialized, individual attention from the team here. If you are in the Lynnwood area and need the services of a quality pet clinic, Everett Veterinary Hospital is here for you. Call today to schedule your appointment.

Pet Clinic Lynnwood