Do you ever wish that you could fast forward past the more difficult parts of owning a pet? Those 3AM trips outside with the puppy. The time you had to buy a brand new mattress (and the mattress protector you now know you need at all times) after you cat urinated on it in revenge. The way you earned that scar when you tried to shove your pet into the carrier to take them to the vet’s office. Ideally, finding the right veterinarian near you in Lynnwood can help with that last one, at least. Instead of wishing for the moment to be over in whirlwind of stress and anxiety, you could be relaxing in the clinic with your equally chill pet. But how do you achieve something that seems like an Herculean feat?

It Starts With You
We’re not going to say that your pet will exactly mimic whatever emotion you’re experiencing, but they most certainly can pick up on what you’re feeling. Do you feel stressed out when you walk in the front door of your vet clinic? Does the veterinary team put you at ease when your pet goes in for a checkup or a surgery? Are you constantly worried that mystery charges will show up on your bill at the end of a visit? Each of these contribute to your overall mood, which in turn contributes to your pet’s stress levels. Work to find a veterinarian here in the Lynnwood area that makes you feel at ease instead of high strung. It’ll be worth it in the end when you can look forward to every visit to the vet’s office without fear.
Friendly Faces
At a certain point, you’re likely going to have to be separated from your pet during their care. Whether it’s a spay or neuter surgery, a drop-off exam or something more serious, you (and your pet) need to know they’re in good hands. From the moment you walk into the clinic and the time when you leave, friendly and approachable team members can make a visit far more comfortable. Happy veterinary technicians, doctors and receptionists make for smooth transitions into the clinic and back home.
If you have any questions about finding a veterinarian near you in Lynnwood, please feel free to reach out to us at Everett Veterinary Hospital.

Veterinarian, Lynnwood